What is Huron Mountain? It's the famous Huron Mountain Club that has been in existence
for over 100 years. Some of the countries list of leaders and corporate heads have been members over the years. Henry Ford and others. The history of the club is simply a fantastic story. The first picture is the commons area and the second is of cabins between the Pine River and Lake Superior. Two bridges are visible clearly but the cabins are hard to see. The club owns a huge tract of land in the Huron Mountains and preserve it with care. They hired John Muir at one point to help manage the forest. I have read one lake on their property has trout that can only be found in that lake and nowhere else. The oldest preserved Hemlock Forest in the Midwest is on their property. Its likely that their Huron Mountain Club has the most pristine forest of old growth trees in the Midwest. Its easy to say why is it private but if it wasn't a private club its more then likely it wouldn't be preserved or pristine. And there is plenty of room
in the Huron Mountains that isn't private for visitors.
The Huron Mountain Club Goons also chase people of land that doesn't belong to the club. They act like they own the whole area. Last year they were trying to get Marquette county to abandon a section of road so they could block it off before their property line and keep people from fishing and hiking in the area. The only thing that kept the road abandonment from happening is that the county board acted illegally in abandoning the road and local people sued. Go ask the people in Big Bay or northern Baraga County about how wonderful it is that the Huron Mountain Club is preserving the area for club members.
What's good about preserving something that only a handful of people can see???
I would love to see the club and land. I guess the gate is at the Salmon Trout River and that
is all the further you can go.
Alot of stories and mystery surrounds his property. I have read that there are guards and they are armed? They arrest people on their property?
Its private property and they can do what they want. But they have preserved it and protected it. Imagine if it was open to the public. Trash and litter, ATV tracks and snowmobiles. Hunting,poaching and ?????
Sad but true the public would trash it. Look around at the open public lands. People will rip off birch bark to start their fires when camping etc. Even in the Pictured Rocks I've seen trash tossed on the sand beaches. I was sickened by that.
Its private property and they can do what they want. But they have preserved it and protected it. Imagine if it was open to the public. Trash and litter, ATV tracks and snowmobiles. Hunting,poaching and ?????
Sad but true the public would trash it. Look around at the open public lands. People will rip off birch bark to start their fires when camping etc. Even in the Pictured Rocks I've seen trash tossed on the sand beaches. I was sickened by that.
Anyone who thinks using birch bark to light fires is terrible hasn't a clue about what is and isn't good for the environment. As long as you only take off the loose bark it doesn't hurt the tree one bit.
Continue to be enamored with the private club started by ROBBER BARONS that raped the UP and then saved a portion of unspoiled land for themselves.
I did learn something like why M-35 ends where it does between Negaunee and Marquette. Just so Ford could get membership in the club even though he had vacation homes on either side of the club at Pequaming and Big Bay. I did know that Henry Ford got US-41 rerouted to go by his little town of Alberta because he claimed it would grow to be a major player in the area, RIGHT!! If you look a map, you will notice the highway goes a ways off the logical route to go by Alberta on the way from Marquette to L'Anse.
I just read the same story about Henry Ford as well. That is 100% true about Alberta and the stopping of the highway from going across the Huron Mountain Club land. I also just read there is some sort of Dolmen rock on the top of Huron Mountain. I would love to hike up to see it but of course that is private club land.
Private or not, they don't own the shore line or the waters edge. Anyone is legally allowed to walk/boat past.
I had the rare opportunity to enter the HMC with one of it's employees who was an old friend of mine from the 1970's. He was a Guide and trail keeper there. I will not mention his name here, but he has since passed away. He took a friend of mine and I to the Ives lake boathouse, where we boarded a row boat and fished the day away while he rowed us around the lake and told stories about his experiences in the HMC. All in all, I think he worked there 20+ years. I did manage to land a beautiful Brown trout which I have a picture of. The HMC is beautiful, no doubt. The virgin pines are impressive, the stories are varied, the lakes are pristine. No motor boats are allowed. It was truely one of my favorite days on earth. Thanks to an old friend, i would never have had the experience. RIP old friend.
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