North of Grand Marais Minnesota up the Gunflint Trail half way to Canada is a bluff that is called Honeymoon Bluff. You can climb to the top for a fantastic view of several Boundary Waters Lakes. If you Google Honeymoon Bluff on the Gunflint trail you can find more details. The entire Gunflint trail area is very interesting and you might also see a Moose!
The overlook here is really beautiful. It's not a long hike, just a steep ramble to the top. If you're up on the Gunflint Trail, it's really worth the detour off the main trail to Honeymoon.
It is beautiful and well worth the climb. I visited the site last summer and was amused by a father and his "older" sons. He said he had to convince them to go there and once there they spent far more time enjoying the view et al than Dad expected. He then had to convince them to depart. Funny!
Great spot, when visiting in May it
snowed a bit. Then back down
to Grand Marais it was sunny.
Anyone remember Hamm's beer? This was their "land of sky blue waters".
I believe that is very correct, that ad was filmed there in the 1960's? I couldn't say which stream
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