or a postcard as I often did. I know it was in the 1980's when we stayed there. I'm not certain when it stopped operating and was razed? Red Pine Realty has the vacant lot up for sale on their website listings. If you have a 1/2 million you can have the great view of the harbor.
I believe the motel was razed for a failed Condo project which was fought due to a height problem. But I can't find any past articles about this? I really miss these old motels that are disappearing all too fast. They have a real nostalgia about them even if they are considered rough by today's standards. Sure the new motels and Condos are luxury but do they have the same feel? I really don't think so. You parked your car at these Mom and Pop motels right in front of your door. I to this day really like that. Grand Marais is one of my most favorite spots on the North Shore of Lake Superior. It has that great vibe and feeling to it. And you can just walk all over the place. The best walk of all is on the Seawall to the Lighthouse after you eat.
Great Blog!!! We really enjoy the entries and all the interesting places. Where was the title picture taken?
The title picture is just up the Gunflint Trail from the Pincushion Mountain parking lot. Right above Grand Marais Mn. If you look close
you can see the watertower which says Gunflint Trail on it when you go North on HWY 12 the Gunflint Trail. It was a very humid summer
day and the warm air was hitting the cool air over the lake making that neat fog.
There are great XC ski trails above Grand Marais and hiking in the summer. The Superior Hiking trail runs right thru there and you can park and day hike. There is just so much you can do that a stay really requires a week. Lodging is very wide ranged from Luxury to down right cheap!
The same goes for dining. It just
depends on what you want to do. That is what makes that area so wonderful. You have many options.
I do recall the Seawall motel, it's been years since we stayed there however. The location was good and you could just park and walk to everything from there.
I proposed at the Birch Terrace to my wife to be while staying at the Sea Wall. That was in 1994. I didn’t have a ring so I had to do it “right” the following Valentine’s Day. We miss the Sea Wall. I also recall it being torn down for some development. So much for progress. Small hotels were run by families. Great places to stay. Today it’s all about upscale BS. What ever happened to a clean place to lay your head and spend your time in the community you are visiting.
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