North of Duluth Minnesota at mile marker 54 is a small sign that says Palisade Head. It's easy to miss so it's easier to look for the Palisade Church and then you know your right in the area. Or just north of Silver Bay Minnesota three miles or so. You will find a small road that seems to climb into a woods. Follow the road up the hill carefully as it's very narrow. As you reach the top you will find a parking lot and the view of the Palisades of the North shore. These cliffs extend quite a distance north. In the distance in the picture is Shovel Point that can be accessed from Tettegouche State Park.
Be careful as there are no railings and the fall is about 350 feet. I have to stop on each trip north as it's just a wonderful view.
Thanks for this entry. Palisade Head has a special place in my heart! I need to take more time to get up there.
It's a fantastic spot, I like when it's crystal clear and you can see all the way to the Apostle Islands.
First time I was there was in 1982 and the road up was dirt and gravel and very steep. It all added to the adventure of the trip.
My first visit to the site was a few years ago. Beautiful but....my son would walk close to the cliff's edge and made me nervous....finally I said, "If you insist on walking over there then give me the keys to the car!" People nearby were in shock! LOL
Island View Resort is located in Knife River, MN and is your best choice for cabins on lake superior in Northern Minnesota.
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